

One of the most crucial suggestions of this paper is to study is an appeal to the officials of the Ministry of Education in Egypt to use the techniques of the pop-up pages in textbooks at primary schools to improve the quality of the textbook and reach higher levels of comprehension among students. It is a study of an experiment taught by the researcher with his 3rd-grade students, At the Department of Advertising, Faculty of Applied Arts, October 6 University, Book Art 1 Course for the Academic Year 2021/2022, to design and produce non-official pop-up pages for various children's books. The researcher Chose the best work for analysis and study; he did a detailed analysis. Moreover, explained the stages of quantitative production, then studied its statistical impact on the students of the third grade of primary school "Nour Al Salam Private Language School", Al-Qanater Al-Khairia Educational Administration, in Egypt, to reach the results and the recommendations, most notably: "The pop-up movement mechanism: is attractive on the study sample, where the percentage reached (94.9%) of the study sample", but it comes in seventh place in the used Questionnaire, It should also be modified to be more attractive on other pages, as well as the ease of reading the font used in the sample came in the sixth place with a relative weight of (2.97) - (97.4%) approval from the study sample, which is indicative Good, however, should be modified to be more accessible in the reading process.
